Thyatira – The Corrupt Church

Thyatira – The Corrupt Church

Revelation 2:18-29

Chapter 1:19 is the outline of Revelation.

Chapters 4-5 and 6-19 happen at the same time.

Thyatira represents the dark ages church of 590 A.D. to 1517 A.D.

Thyatira means “Continual Sacrifice”

Jesus’ characteristics: Jesus mentions two: Son of God, and eyes of fire & feet of brass. Jesus is coming with judgement

Commendation: Jesus is happy with their works, faith and love for Jesus

Correction: Idol worship and sexual immorality.

Exhortation: To those not following the system of Jezebel, Jesus just wants them to keep themselves out of that doctrine

Promise: those who keep themselves pure will rule with Jesus and obtain Jesus

Who is as Jezebel?
1. She introduced pagan worship
2. She massacred God’s prophets
3. She confiscated Naboth’s vineyard through an inquisition

During this church period much corruption was introduced:
1. continual sacrifice of Jesus through communion
2. queen of Heaven
3. Sale of indulgences
4. Killing those who stood up for reform
5. Preventing people from reading the Bible
6. Inquisition, allowing the seizing of people’s property
7. The crusades

Jesus says that the corrupt system comes from the depths of Satan.

There are people in this church who are genuine and truly love Jesus

What lessons can we learn from the church of Thyatira
How can we protect ourselves from the introduction of corruption and false doctrine?
Read and know the Bible!

Jesus knows your heart and mind. First He asks you to repent, then He will judge

We are saved by grace, not works. God wants a relationship with you based on love, not on what you do (Ephesians 2:8-9).
