The Heaven Scene

The Heaven Scene

Revelation 4 & 5

Beginning of the Things Yet to Come

The rainbow around the throne signifies God’s grace – the reminder of His promise that He will never flood the earth again

The thunder and lightning signifies God’s judgement.

The writing on the backing the scroll signifies the conditions of redemption of a title deed.
The scroll is the title deed to mankind, that Adam gave to the devil I’m the Garden of Eden.
John wept because nobody could redeem mankind.
But Jesus is worthy to open the scroll

Jesus possesses 7 characteristics here:

  • Power – Jesus is powerful enough to overcome all of your problens.
  • Riches – Jesus has all of the resources you need. You need to trust Him to provide everything you need at the right time.
  • Wisdom – Jesus’ ways are the best ways.
  • Strength- Jesus is always stronger than the devil. Jesus is stong enough to get you through whatever you are going through
  • Honour – Every knee shall bow and worship Jesus
  • Glory – Only Jesus is worthy of glory. We must worship Him and not take pride.
  • Blessing – Jesus wants to bless you, and as we love and serve Him, we get to bless Him too.

Jesus is our hero, our Kinsman Redeemer.
4 requirements:

  1. Had to be our kinsman. Jesus came to earth as a man
  2. Had to able to redeem. Jesus was sinless, and so able to redeem
  3. Had to be willing. Jesus had a free will, and willingly gave His life for us.
  4. He had to take all of our obligations. Jesus took all of our iniquity upon himself on the cross.