Healing the Lame Man

Healing the Lame Man

Acts 3:1-10

Peter and John meet a lame man as they were on the way to the temple.

The lame man sat at the temple every day begging.
He asked Peter and John for some coins

“Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you”
“In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”

The lame man had the faith to leap up.

They went into the temple to the amazement of the people

This continues the pattern that we first in Acts 2: God performs a miracle, which then immediately leads to witnessing for Jesus


1. Peter is mixing among the people, not separating himself.
In the world, but not of the world

2. What did Peter have to give? Jesus.
We also can share Jesus with people in need

3. Don’t let what you feel to be a limitation hold you back from doing God’s work

4. What you think is impossible is possible for Jesus
