Sermons on 2 Corinthians
Saul joins the Church
Acts 9:23-43 The Jews were plotting to kill Paul, but he discovered their plot, and escaped the city by being let down in a basket out a window. When Saul returned to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they didn’t believe him. Barnabas presented Saul to the apostles, who investigated. Saul then started preaching in Jerusalem, but the Hellenistic Jews tried to hill him. so he escaped to Tarsus. Then the churches throughout the area had peace. Peter…
The Seventh Trumpet
Revelation 10 & 11 This period is an intermission between the 6th and 7th trumpet judgements, to give surviving sinners yet another opportunity to repent. John saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, who spoke in thunderous voices.John was not allowed to write what he heard.John was given a little book to eat. The seventh trumpet sounds. God reclaims the whole earth!The temple of God is opened in heaven, and the Ark of the Covenant is seen in it.…
The Christmas Story, in Reverse
Revelation 21:4-6 – Our Happily ever after: We will live with Jesus in heaven for eternity How did we get there? Romans 10:8-10 – If you Confess Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that he was raised from the dead, we will be saved How did we know it that? Roman’s 10:15 – How will they know unless someone tells them? What are we telling them? Mark 16:6 – Jesus was raised from the dead! 1 Corinthians…
The Holy Spirit
God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit working together for the redemption of the world. The Holy Spirit – present at creation – working with Jesus – at Jesus’ baptism – testifies about Jesus – our Helper, advocate and counselor – is a person – is with us – convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgement. – dwells in us – can fill us – produces fruit in our lives – present from Genesis all the way through…