Sermons on Ephesians
Lying to the Holy Spirit
Acts 5:1-17 In the context of great power being on the apostles and great grace on the church, people were selling property and bringing the proceeds to the apostles. It was a wonderful time But the devil hates the church, and was working against it both through external persecution and internal discord. Ananias and Sophira sold their land, but secretly kept part of the proceeds, and brought it to the apostles as if it was the whole amount. Ananias dropped…
The First Church
Acts 2:22-47 This four key pillars critical for all Churches. Each of them could be a whole study, buy we will just have a quick look at them today. Pillar 1: “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine” The Apostle’s Doctrine is the gospel of Jesus Christ, including that: Pillar 2: Fellowship, The word Fellowship here is a comprehensive word that means all of the following together at the same time: Pillar 3: The breaking of bread As well…
Mercy: You don’t get the consequences you deserve Grace: You get favour you don’t deserve Grace is freedom The gift of grace from Jesus is available for everyone God’s grace is much greater than sin The law demands purity before approaching God. Grace invites us to come to God and let Jesus purify you. Keep walking in grace, don’t drift back towards legalism. Grace teaches us to love and live for God. When you grow in grace you grow in…
Thyatira – The Corrupt Church
Revelation 2:18-29 Chapter 1:19 is the outline of Revelation. Chapters 4-5 and 6-19 happen at the same time. Thyatira represents the dark ages church of 590 A.D. to 1517 A.D. Thyatira means “Continual Sacrifice” Jesus’ characteristics: Jesus mentions two: Son of God, and eyes of fire & feet of brass. Jesus is coming with judgement Commendation: Jesus is happy with their works, faith and love for Jesus Correction: Idol worship and sexual immorality. Exhortation: To those not following the system…
Encouraging Exhortation
1 Corinthians 15:58“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable,always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 5 Aspects: 1) The Perspective2) The People3) The Position4) The Perseverance5) The Promise Perspective: the Corinthians and all believers should be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord in light of the truth that Jesus is risen from the dead and that one day all believers will rise from the…