Sermons on Hebrews

Sermons on Hebrews

Christmas 2024 – The Magi

Important notice:There are so many different theories about this topic, from so many well-respected Bible scholars. Today I’m just going to share with you something very interesting that I discovered. Please do your own research, and, as you do, ask God to reveal the truth to you. One evening, as Mary, Joseph and Jesus were going about their evening activity, they suddenly received unexpected visitors – Wise Men from the East. Who are they? Does the Bible give any clues?…

Disobedient Disciples and a Wise Pharisee

Acts 5:17-42 This is the second time Peter and John are arrested within a few weeks. They were put in prison to get them out of the way, but at night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out. If God has a job for you to do, and you are walking in it, He can do anything to overcome obstacles that would prevent you from accomplishing your job. The witness of the apostles was…

The Second Sermon

Acts 3:11-26 The lame man, having been healed through faith in the name of Jesus Christ was free at last. Are we crippled in our life trough fear, remorse, sin, anger?We too can be freed through Jesus. The people in the crowd were staring at Peter and John in amazement at this miraculous healing. Peter explained that Jesus, whom they had crucified, had healed the lame mam The crowd knew about Jesus, but didn’t know Him personally. Peter took this…

The First Church

Acts 2:22-47 This four key pillars critical for all Churches.  Each of them could be a whole study, buy we will just have a quick look at them today. Pillar 1: “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine” The Apostle’s Doctrine is the gospel of Jesus Christ, including that: Pillar 2: Fellowship, The word Fellowship here is a comprehensive word that means all of the following together at the same time: Pillar 3: The breaking of bread As well…


Mercy: You don’t get the consequences you deserve Grace: You get favour you don’t deserve Grace is freedom The gift of grace from Jesus is available for everyone God’s grace is much greater than sin The law demands purity before approaching God. Grace invites us to come to God and let Jesus purify you. Keep walking in grace, don’t drift back towards legalism. Grace teaches us to love and live for God. When you grow in grace you grow in…

The revealing of Jesus

Revelation 1 The revealing of Jesus Revelation : Chapters 1 : Past 2-3 : Present time 4-22 : Future 20 : 1000 year reign 21-22 : New Heaven and New earth John was being persecuted for his witness of Jesus, and was writing to churches being persecuted. John saw a vision of Jesus in heaven. John describes Jesus in His glory: