Sermons on Mark (Page 3)
4 demonstrations of Jesus’ power
Mark 4:35-5:43 What do they all have in common? Quieting the stormUnusually strong stormWho better than Jesus to be with when you’re in a storm?Jesus said to cross over, so the storm had no authority to stop themYou can stand on God’s promises. If you are following Jesus’s purpose for your life, he will protect you The demon possessed personWorshipped JesusJesus delivered the man2000 pigs jumped off the cliff 3 RequestsJesus granted the demons request to enter the pigsJesus granted…
Mark 4:1-34 Parables Parable of the sower The lamp on the lamp stand Parable of the growing grain Parable of the mustard seed Hearing the word over time grows our faith When we don’t understand something in the Bible, or something in our lives, we can go to God at any time and ask Open your heart to Jesus and let the word be fruitful though you.
Why do you talk to Jesus?
Mark 3:7-35 Choosing the 12 disciples Jesus continues his ministry – to make people right. Jesus preaches to the multitudes – a large crowd. Choosing and commissioning the 12 disciples. Discussion about casting out demons Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit Why do you talk to Jesus – because you need something, or because you are in a relationship with Him? If you are facing any big decisions, spend time talking to God and let him help you with the answer…
Why, Why, Why?
Mark 2:18 – 3:6 Jesus questioned by the Pharisees Sometimes faith looks foolish God often wants to transform our lives, rather than just repair Sometimes we may prioritise traditions over mercy, missing God’s heart Is the Holy Spirit asking you do do something that is impossible? What is the Lord asking you to step in to? How will you respond? 2 Corinthians 5:17
3 Interactions
Mark 1:40 – 2:17 Three interactions with Jesus Jesus always deals with the spiritual before the physical
Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry
Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry Our citizenship is in HeavenCalling the Peter, Andrew, James and JohnJesus taught with authorityJesus has authority over evil spiritsJesus has authority over sickness If you have a problem, go and tell Jesus Jesus’s purpose : to share the good news of salvation. Our focus should be on the word of God
Welcome to our first service in Calvary Chapel Braga! Introduction to Calvary Chapel Braga Building dedication prayer Mark 1Heralding the arrival of JesusPreparing the way for Jesus to comeBaptism of Jesus Being prepared for all that God has prepared for you.