Sermons by Jorge

Sermons by Jorge

Peter’s Vision

 Acts 10:1-23 Roman religion involves polytheism and emperor worship. But Cornelius rejected Roman religion and followed the one, true God. God sent angel to tell Cornelius that his prayers and charity had come up to God for a memorial. God sees everything you think and do. The angel told Cornelius to send for Peter. While Cornelius’ men were making their way to Peter, God gave Peter a vision. Down from heaven came a sheet full unclean animals, and a…

Christmas 2024 – The Shepherds

Caesar Augustus, in order to help unify the Roman Empire, took religious titles upon himself to try and elevate himself to deity. He decreed that the everyone in the Roman world should return to their ancestral homes to be registered in a census. This compelled Mary and Joseph to travel to Bethlehem, at exactly the right time for Jesus to be born in Bethlehem, as was required by prophecy. Caesar was trying to elevate himself to divinity, Jesus lowered himself…

Stephen’s Defence

Acts 7:20-38 Context At Pentecost a Peter preached his first sermon, and 3000 people joined the disciples- the birth of the church. Then God healed a lame man through Peter and John, and more people joined the church. Then a great multitude came for healing and the church continued growing. The apostles were put into prison and beaten. One of those imprisoned was Stephen. Nobody could argue with his wisdom, so the high council pressed false charges against him. Stephen…

Lying to the Holy Spirit

Acts 5:1-17 In the context of great power being on the apostles and great grace on the church, people were selling property and bringing the proceeds to the apostles. It was a wonderful time But the devil hates the church, and was working against it both through external persecution and internal discord. Ananias and Sophira sold their land, but secretly kept part of the proceeds, and brought it to the apostles as if it was the whole amount. Ananias dropped…

The Second Sermon

Acts 3:11-26 The lame man, having been healed through faith in the name of Jesus Christ was free at last. Are we crippled in our life trough fear, remorse, sin, anger?We too can be freed through Jesus. The people in the crowd were staring at Peter and John in amazement at this miraculous healing. Peter explained that Jesus, whom they had crucified, had healed the lame mam The crowd knew about Jesus, but didn’t know Him personally. Peter took this…

The First Sermon

Acts 2:22-29 The Gospel of Luke and Acts both start with the Holy Spirit coming to bring the Kingdom of God. Pentecost was a Jewish feast, signifying the people of Israel as God’s covenant people. Peter delivered the first sermon of the Church, a powerful message telling the people that they had a part in crucifying Jesus. The Holy Spirit supports the Gospel and opens people’s heats. The work of the Holy spirit is to convict people of their sin,…

The Second Coming

Revelation 19 The Hebrew word Hallelujah only occurs 4 times in the New Testament – all in Revelation 19 Verses 1-4 look back to the judgement of God against Babylon Verses 6-9 look forward to the marriage supper of the Lamb with His pure bride. Contrasting true Christianity vs false religion Are we living as God’s handiwork? Are we walking in step with the Holy Spirit? The Second Coming of Jesus Christ Arrives on a white horse, with many crowns.…

The Seventh Trumpet

Revelation 10 & 11 This period is an intermission between the 6th and 7th trumpet judgements, to give surviving sinners yet another opportunity to repent. John saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, who spoke in thunderous voices.John was not allowed to write what he heard.John was given a little book to eat. The seventh trumpet sounds. God reclaims the whole earth!The temple of God is opened in heaven, and the Ark of the Covenant is seen in it.…

Philadelphia – The Faithful Church

Rev 3:7-13 The Church of Philadelphia The Missionary church. The Philadelphia church has a commendation but no reproof Set up to spread culture to Lydia and Phrygia – cultural missionaries were sent out from there Built in an geologically unstable area, near a volcano with frequent earthquakes Philadelphia means ”brotherly love”, named by King Attallus II They were the faithful church. They kept Jesus’s word in the face of opposition. Jesus introduces himself as the Messiah – with authority to…

Jesus Before Pilate

The trial of Jesus happened early in the morning, after a long, harrowing night Before the Last Supper, Passover was prophetic. After the Last Supper, Communion is a symbolic remembrance. But during the Last Supper it was real – He was about to be sacrificed for us. The Sanhedrin didn’t want to enter Pilate’s residence to remain pure, despite their lies and false charges. Pilate wanted to get out of the trial. He sent Jesus to Herod Then he tried…
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