Sermons by Pastor Brandon

Sermons by Pastor Brandon

The Church in Antioch

Acts 11:10-30 The one who started the persecution and caused the Christians to spread is now the one going to each of those places. It appears as if the church in Antioch was not started by the disciples Believers came to Antioch and proclaimed the good news of Jesus, and the church was started The church in Jerusalem heard about what was going on in Antioch, and sent Barnabas to investigate. He arrived, saw what was going on and was…

Peter’s Explanation

Acts 11:1-18 News that Peter visited the Gentiles and ate with them travelled quickly to Jerusalem.The apostles in Jerusalem accosted Peter, asking him for an explanation for his actions. Peter explains what happened, including that the Holy Spirit fell om the Gentiles.This is sometimes referred to as the Gentile Pentecost.~Peter finishes his argument strongly, saying “If God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could…

Saul joins the Church

Acts 9:23-43 The Jews were plotting to kill Paul, but he discovered their plot, and escaped the city by being let down in a basket out a window. When Saul returned to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they didn’t believe him. Barnabas presented Saul to the apostles, who investigated. Saul then started preaching in Jerusalem, but the Hellenistic Jews tried to hill him. so he escaped to Tarsus. Then the churches throughout the area had peace. Peter…

Saul’s Conversion

Acts 9:1-22 A great persecution started with the death of Stephen.Saul was present at Stephen’s stoning, and was going house to house to arrest Christians. He hates them so much that he wanted to travel 200 miles to another region to find Christians to arrest and bring to Jerusalem. When he was close to Damascus, a bright light from Heaven shone down on him, and a voice called to him, asking why he was persecuting Jesus. This was one of…

2025 Vision

Jesus said to go into all the world to preach the gospel. Every church has a part to play. Our vision is to start many churches in the Iberian peninsula over the next 10 years. There are plenty of opportunities for ministry Jesus told His disciples to make disciples of all nations. Jesus knew that they needed help. He told them to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit, who would give them the power that they needed. Parable of…

Phillip and the Eunich

Acts 8:26-40 In the middle of great revival in Samaria, Phillip was told by an angel to go to the desert. There he meets an official from Ethiopia reading the book of Isaiah. The angel told Phillip to catch up to the chariot.The official invited Phillip into the chariot to explain what he was reading. Phillip taught the official about Jesus, starting at that verse. The official believed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and was baptised Phillip…


Acts 8:1-25 Saul approved of Stephen’s murder Persecution had been increasing, and now became intense The disciples scattered throughout Judah and Samaria, spreading the gospel Phillip was preaching about Jesus and performing signs and wonders And the city was full of joy. Simon was famous in the city due to his sorcery. Simon became a believer. Peter and John came and prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit. Simon wanted to buy the ability to fill pray for people…

Stephen’s Trial – Abraham to Joseph

Acts 7:1-20 Stephen is standing in front of the Sanhedrin, accused of blasphemy against the law of Moses, and against the Temple. The high council was not happy with Stephens preaching, so they hired scoundrels to present false testimony against Stephen. Stephen’s response is based on Israel’s history, highlighting an interesting pattern – the first time God sends a saviour to Israel, Israel rejects them. But the second time they accept: Joseph, Moses, and ultimately Jesus. God called Abraham to…

Wisdom and the Spirit of God

Acts 6:1-15 The church continued to grow, and disputes arose between the Jewish and Greek believers The apostles needed to focus on teaching rather than dealing with matters of this sort. They were dedicated to prayer and ministry of the Word. The apostles got the church involved in resolving this issue. 7 men from the Greek believers were chosen to manage the food distribution. The first non- apostolic ministry of the church was feeding the widows One of these men…


Acts 4:23-37 When the disciples were released they sought fellowship, rather than isolation The disciples prayed from Psalm 2, acknowledging who God is, and that He is control of every situation. They prayed: 1. Look at the threats This was a very mature way to pray, having faith in God to resolve the matter I. The best way. 2. Boldness for witnessing. 1. Signs and wonders Opportunities to witness The place in which they were meeting was shaken,and everyone there…