Sermons by Pastor Brandon (Page 2)

Sermons by Pastor Brandon (Page 2)

We Cannot But Speak

Acts 4:1-22 The Sadducees were the Jewish political leaders, and didn’t want any changes to their world view or political structure. Instead of marvelling at the miracle and trying to find out more, they want to squash the Apostle’s witnessing Peter and John were put into prison overnight The next day, the entire ruling council gathered to investigate.Peter again uses this opportunity to witness for Jesus, accusing them of killing Jesus and declaring that God raised Him from the dead.…

Healing the Lame Man

Acts 3:1-10 Peter and John meet a lame man as they were on the way to the temple. The lame man sat at the temple every day begging. He asked Peter and John for some coins “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you” “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” The lame man had the faith to leap up. They went into the temple to the amazement…

The Holy Spirit arrives

Acts 2:1-21 120 followers of Jesus were together. The sound of a mighty rushing wind suddenly filled the house, and tongues of fire came to rest on each of them. They were all filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues. Jews from every nation had gathered in Jerusalem for the Feast of Pentecost They hear a sound and gathered together, and then heard the Christians speaking their own languages. They were amazed to…

Selecting Judas’s Replacement

Acts 1:12-26 Acts: The acts of the Holy Spirit, rather than of the apostlesIt is the sequel to the book of Luke The disciples began by obeying Jesus’s commands – a good start!The Church must obey the Lord. Jesus’s brothers became disciples during the 40 days since Jesus’s resurrection.The disciples were in constant prayer. The early church started with 120 people. The apostles believed that the word of God was inspired by God and inerrant.The Bible’s promises are true. Peter…

Baptism by the Holy Spirit

Acts 1:1-11 The Book of Acts The Acts of the Holy Spirit, more-so than the Acts of the ApostlesSequel to the book of LukeLuke – What Jesus did during His missionActs – What Jesus did through the apostles by the Holy Spirit. Relates the start of the early Church. What can we learn to apply to us today? The disciples were commanded to stay in Jerusalem to wait for the baptism Holy Spirit. Why does Jesus want the disciples to…

The Beast and the Antichrist

The false prophet set up a false religion with world-wide influenceThe antichrist will use this religion to come to power The false prophet is in the spotlight, with the antichrist working in the backgroundThose who have rejected Jesus will be amazed at the antichrist Some people believe that the 7 heads refer to different world empires, others believe that it is 7 Roman emperors During this time 10 world leaders will give their power to a single world leaderThe antichrist…

6 Bowl Judgements

The beast rises out of the sea. Similar to Daniel 7.The antichrist will emerge as a world leader who will be worshipped and have great power. Another beast – the false prophet. Had horns like a lamb.He appears holy, but will speak evil things.A false religious leader who will have world powerHe will perform miracles and deceive the worldHe will force everyone to worship the image of the beast Mark of the beast Chapter 14144 thousand, who had not been…

The Seven Trumpet Judgements

Revelation 8 & 9 Millions of people and angels are constantly worshiping God. Then suddenly everything was silent for half an hour. During this quiet time the prayers of the saints were offered before God. The Seven Trumpet Judgements 1. Fire and hail mixed with blood. 1/3 of the trees and all the green grass was burnt up 2. A burning mountain was thrown into the sea. 1/3 of sea creatures died and 1/3 of the ships were destroyed 3.…

The Seven Seals

The 7 Seals Revelation 6 & 7While the Church is in Heaven, the 7 year tribulation begins on EarthFirst 4 seals:4 horsemen of the apocalypse Rider on the white horse It’s not Jesus – his crown is temporary Rider on the red horse – war Rider on the black horse- famine and financial disaster Rider on the pale horse- disease 25% of the world’s population will die from war, hunger and disease 5th seal – people killed during this tribulation…

The Heaven Scene

Revelation 4 & 5 Beginning of the Things Yet to Come The rainbow around the throne signifies God’s grace – the reminder of His promise that He will never flood the earth again The thunder and lightning signifies God’s judgement. The writing on the backing the scroll signifies the conditions of redemption of a title deed.The scroll is the title deed to mankind, that Adam gave to the devil I’m the Garden of Eden.John wept because nobody could redeem mankind.But…