Sermons on Baptism

Sermons on Baptism

Peter & Cornelius

Cornelius had been anticipating Peter’s arrival for three days. Peter realises that during his vision God was preparing him for this very meeting, and that Jesus’ salvation breaks through the old laws and traditions of Jewish separation from the Gentiles. Cornelius had been faithfully praying for a long time without anything dramatic happening. But God had been listening to his prayers, and today was the day that He planned to answer them. God always hears your prayers – Never give…

Saul’s Conversion

Acts 9:1-22 A great persecution started with the death of Stephen.Saul was present at Stephen’s stoning, and was going house to house to arrest Christians. He hates them so much that he wanted to travel 200 miles to another region to find Christians to arrest and bring to Jerusalem. When he was close to Damascus, a bright light from Heaven shone down on him, and a voice called to him, asking why he was persecuting Jesus. This was one of…

Phillip and the Eunich

Acts 8:26-40 In the middle of great revival in Samaria, Phillip was told by an angel to go to the desert. There he meets an official from Ethiopia reading the book of Isaiah. The angel told Phillip to catch up to the chariot.The official invited Phillip into the chariot to explain what he was reading. Phillip taught the official about Jesus, starting at that verse. The official believed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and was baptised Phillip…

The First Church

Acts 2:22-47 This four key pillars critical for all Churches.  Each of them could be a whole study, buy we will just have a quick look at them today. Pillar 1: “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine” The Apostle’s Doctrine is the gospel of Jesus Christ, including that: Pillar 2: Fellowship, The word Fellowship here is a comprehensive word that means all of the following together at the same time: Pillar 3: The breaking of bread As well…

Baptism by the Holy Spirit

Acts 1:1-11 The Book of Acts The Acts of the Holy Spirit, more-so than the Acts of the ApostlesSequel to the book of LukeLuke – What Jesus did during His missionActs – What Jesus did through the apostles by the Holy Spirit. Relates the start of the early Church. What can we learn to apply to us today? The disciples were commanded to stay in Jerusalem to wait for the baptism Holy Spirit. Why does Jesus want the disciples to…


Welcome to our first service in Calvary Chapel Braga! Introduction to Calvary Chapel Braga Building dedication prayer Mark 1Heralding the arrival of JesusPreparing the way for Jesus to comeBaptism of Jesus Being prepared for all that God has prepared for you.