Sermons on Day of Pentecost
Peter’s Explanation
Acts 11:1-18 News that Peter visited the Gentiles and ate with them travelled quickly to Jerusalem.The apostles in Jerusalem accosted Peter, asking him for an explanation for his actions. Peter explains what happened, including that the Holy Spirit fell om the Gentiles.This is sometimes referred to as the Gentile Pentecost.~Peter finishes his argument strongly, saying “If God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could…
The First Sermon
Acts 2:22-29 The Gospel of Luke and Acts both start with the Holy Spirit coming to bring the Kingdom of God. Pentecost was a Jewish feast, signifying the people of Israel as God’s covenant people. Peter delivered the first sermon of the Church, a powerful message telling the people that they had a part in crucifying Jesus. The Holy Spirit supports the Gospel and opens people’s heats. The work of the Holy spirit is to convict people of their sin,…
The Holy Spirit arrives
Acts 2:1-21 120 followers of Jesus were together. The sound of a mighty rushing wind suddenly filled the house, and tongues of fire came to rest on each of them. They were all filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues. Jews from every nation had gathered in Jerusalem for the Feast of Pentecost They hear a sound and gathered together, and then heard the Christians speaking their own languages. They were amazed to…
Philadelphia – The Faithful Church
Rev 3:7-13 The Church of Philadelphia The Missionary church. The Philadelphia church has a commendation but no reproof Set up to spread culture to Lydia and Phrygia – cultural missionaries were sent out from there Built in an geologically unstable area, near a volcano with frequent earthquakes Philadelphia means ”brotherly love”, named by King Attallus II They were the faithful church. They kept Jesus’s word in the face of opposition. Jesus introduces himself as the Messiah – with authority to…
The Holy Spirit
God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit working together for the redemption of the world. The Holy Spirit – present at creation – working with Jesus – at Jesus’ baptism – testifies about Jesus – our Helper, advocate and counselor – is a person – is with us – convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgement. – dwells in us – can fill us – produces fruit in our lives – present from Genesis all the way through…