Sermons on Faith

Sermons on Faith

The Church in Antioch

Acts 11:10-30 The one who started the persecution and caused the Christians to spread is now the one going to each of those places. It appears as if the church in Antioch was not started by the disciples Believers came to Antioch and proclaimed the good news of Jesus, and the church was started The church in Jerusalem heard about what was going on in Antioch, and sent Barnabas to investigate. He arrived, saw what was going on and was…

Peter & Cornelius

Cornelius had been anticipating Peter’s arrival for three days. Peter realises that during his vision God was preparing him for this very meeting, and that Jesus’ salvation breaks through the old laws and traditions of Jewish separation from the Gentiles. Cornelius had been faithfully praying for a long time without anything dramatic happening. But God had been listening to his prayers, and today was the day that He planned to answer them. God always hears your prayers – Never give…

Peter’s Vision

 Acts 10:1-23 Roman religion involves polytheism and emperor worship. But Cornelius rejected Roman religion and followed the one, true God. God sent angel to tell Cornelius that his prayers and charity had come up to God for a memorial. God sees everything you think and do. The angel told Cornelius to send for Peter. While Cornelius’ men were making their way to Peter, God gave Peter a vision. Down from heaven came a sheet full unclean animals, and a…

Saul joins the Church

Acts 9:23-43 The Jews were plotting to kill Paul, but he discovered their plot, and escaped the city by being let down in a basket out a window. When Saul returned to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they didn’t believe him. Barnabas presented Saul to the apostles, who investigated. Saul then started preaching in Jerusalem, but the Hellenistic Jews tried to hill him. so he escaped to Tarsus. Then the churches throughout the area had peace. Peter…

The First Martyr

Acts 7:38-60 This week we continue the history lesson as the story turns sour, when God’s special people reject Him. Stephen is standing before the high council accused of blaspheming God, Moses, and the Temple The Israelites were complaining about God’s provision. While God was writing the 10 commandment on the stone tablets with His own finger, His special people were at the bottom of the mountain breaking them. Stephen turns the spotlight from the wickedness of the Israelites and…

Stephen’s Trial – Abraham to Joseph

Acts 7:1-20 Stephen is standing in front of the Sanhedrin, accused of blasphemy against the law of Moses, and against the Temple. The high council was not happy with Stephens preaching, so they hired scoundrels to present false testimony against Stephen. Stephen’s response is based on Israel’s history, highlighting an interesting pattern – the first time God sends a saviour to Israel, Israel rejects them. But the second time they accept: Joseph, Moses, and ultimately Jesus. God called Abraham to…

Disobedient Disciples and a Wise Pharisee

Acts 5:17-42 This is the second time Peter and John are arrested within a few weeks. They were put in prison to get them out of the way, but at night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out. If God has a job for you to do, and you are walking in it, He can do anything to overcome obstacles that would prevent you from accomplishing your job. The witness of the apostles was…

We Cannot But Speak

Acts 4:1-22 The Sadducees were the Jewish political leaders, and didn’t want any changes to their world view or political structure. Instead of marvelling at the miracle and trying to find out more, they want to squash the Apostle’s witnessing Peter and John were put into prison overnight The next day, the entire ruling council gathered to investigate.Peter again uses this opportunity to witness for Jesus, accusing them of killing Jesus and declaring that God raised Him from the dead.…

The Second Sermon

Acts 3:11-26 The lame man, having been healed through faith in the name of Jesus Christ was free at last. Are we crippled in our life trough fear, remorse, sin, anger?We too can be freed through Jesus. The people in the crowd were staring at Peter and John in amazement at this miraculous healing. Peter explained that Jesus, whom they had crucified, had healed the lame mam The crowd knew about Jesus, but didn’t know Him personally. Peter took this…

Healing the Lame Man

Acts 3:1-10 Peter and John meet a lame man as they were on the way to the temple. The lame man sat at the temple every day begging. He asked Peter and John for some coins “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you” “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” The lame man had the faith to leap up. They went into the temple to the amazement…