Sermons on Forgiveness

Sermons on Forgiveness

Peter & Cornelius

Cornelius had been anticipating Peter’s arrival for three days. Peter realises that during his vision God was preparing him for this very meeting, and that Jesus’ salvation breaks through the old laws and traditions of Jewish separation from the Gentiles. Cornelius had been faithfully praying for a long time without anything dramatic happening. But God had been listening to his prayers, and today was the day that He planned to answer them. God always hears your prayers – Never give…

The First Martyr

Acts 7:38-60 This week we continue the history lesson as the story turns sour, when God’s special people reject Him. Stephen is standing before the high council accused of blaspheming God, Moses, and the Temple The Israelites were complaining about God’s provision. While God was writing the 10 commandment on the stone tablets with His own finger, His special people were at the bottom of the mountain breaking them. Stephen turns the spotlight from the wickedness of the Israelites and…

Disobedient Disciples and a Wise Pharisee

Acts 5:17-42 This is the second time Peter and John are arrested within a few weeks. They were put in prison to get them out of the way, but at night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out. If God has a job for you to do, and you are walking in it, He can do anything to overcome obstacles that would prevent you from accomplishing your job. The witness of the apostles was…

The Second Sermon

Acts 3:11-26 The lame man, having been healed through faith in the name of Jesus Christ was free at last. Are we crippled in our life trough fear, remorse, sin, anger?We too can be freed through Jesus. The people in the crowd were staring at Peter and John in amazement at this miraculous healing. Peter explained that Jesus, whom they had crucified, had healed the lame mam The crowd knew about Jesus, but didn’t know Him personally. Peter took this…

The 1000 Year Reign

Revelation 20 A single angel locks the devil in the bottomless pit for 1000 years The devil is merely a bad angel, insignificant and powerless compared to the greatness of God Jesus Christ will reign on the Earth for 1000 yearsHis followers will reign with Him. Israel’s land will be restored after the tribulation The Earth will be perfect, just as God intended during Creation. 2 Resurrections: First resurrection – for the followers of Jesus – Eternal lifeSecond resurrection –…


Mercy: You don’t get the consequences you deserve Grace: You get favour you don’t deserve Grace is freedom The gift of grace from Jesus is available for everyone God’s grace is much greater than sin The law demands purity before approaching God. Grace invites us to come to God and let Jesus purify you. Keep walking in grace, don’t drift back towards legalism. Grace teaches us to love and live for God. When you grow in grace you grow in…


Mark 14:1-31 Jesus’ anointing at Bethany Mary of Bethany was one of Jesus’ friends, and always at His feet.  Mary, Martha and Lazarus loved Jesus for who He was, not the miracles He performed. She brings very expensive oil to anoint Jesus for burial. She wanted to bless Jesus as an act of worship, without any expectations. At this moment Judas decides to betray Jesus. The Last Supper Jesus was the host of this very special meal for Him Jesus establishes…

The Triumphal Entry

Mark 11 The Triumphal Entry The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give His life as a ransom for many. Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey – as was prophesied, and as Solomon was introduced as the king. Lesson from cursing the fig tree. Driving out the moneychangers and dove-sellers, who were taking up the place that the Gentiles could come to worship. The Pharisees asked Jesus about His authority.