Sermons on Grace

Sermons on Grace

Peter’s Explanation

Acts 11:1-18 News that Peter visited the Gentiles and ate with them travelled quickly to Jerusalem.The apostles in Jerusalem accosted Peter, asking him for an explanation for his actions. Peter explains what happened, including that the Holy Spirit fell om the Gentiles.This is sometimes referred to as the Gentile Pentecost.~Peter finishes his argument strongly, saying “If God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could…

The 1000 Year Reign

Revelation 20 A single angel locks the devil in the bottomless pit for 1000 years The devil is merely a bad angel, insignificant and powerless compared to the greatness of God Jesus Christ will reign on the Earth for 1000 yearsHis followers will reign with Him. Israel’s land will be restored after the tribulation The Earth will be perfect, just as God intended during Creation. 2 Resurrections: First resurrection – for the followers of Jesus – Eternal lifeSecond resurrection –…


Mercy: You don’t get the consequences you deserve Grace: You get favour you don’t deserve Grace is freedom The gift of grace from Jesus is available for everyone God’s grace is much greater than sin The law demands purity before approaching God. Grace invites us to come to God and let Jesus purify you. Keep walking in grace, don’t drift back towards legalism. Grace teaches us to love and live for God. When you grow in grace you grow in…