Sermons on Miracles

Sermons on Miracles

The Triumphal Entry

Mark 11 The Triumphal Entry The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give His life as a ransom for many. Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey – as was prophesied, and as Solomon was introduced as the king. Lesson from cursing the fig tree. Driving out the moneychangers and dove-sellers, who were taking up the place that the Gentiles could come to worship. The Pharisees asked Jesus about His authority.

Drawing closer to Jesus

Mark 10:28        Jesus was making His way to Jerusalem Jesus foretold His death and resurrection, for the third time Arguing about sitting at Jesus’ right and left hand What it means to be great Blind Bartimeaus 3 examples for us to follow                 The Disciples The disciples sacrificed to follow Jesus What is God asking you to sacrifice up to better follow Him?                 Blind Bartimeaus                   Nothing should stop us from crying out to Jesus                  The world…

The Transfiguration

Transition period in Jesus’ ministry The Transfiguration Peter – The leader of the ChurchJohn – Wrote 5 books of the New TestamentJames – Why was James invited? Metamorphosis Elijah and Moses came to meet with Jesus, both alive. The power of the Kingdom of Heaven defeats death.Moses represents the lawElijah represents the prophets Jesus qualified for Heaven by living a perfect, sinless life Healing of the demon possessed boyImportance of faithSometimes when we go through trials God gives us the…

Take up your cross

Mark 8:22-38 Scene 1 – Healing the blind manWe find Jesus and the disciples in Bethsaida. A blind man is brought to Jesus for healing.This time the miracle wasn’t immediate, and we see Jesus asking if the miracle was successful.Just because we don’t get an immediate miracle, it doesn’t mean that God can’t, or won’t help us Scene 2 – Peter’s Rollercoaster Peter answered and said to Him, “You are the Christ.”Peter knew, beyond doubt, that Jesus was the Messiah.…

No bread on the boat

Mark 8:21 Feeding the 4000Yeast of the Pharisees Feeding the 4000 Jesus has compassion on the multitude  Jesus knew intimately about each person in the crowd, even where they were from Why was the focus only on the bread, but the fish? Jesus catered for their needs, and he sent them away after their needs were completely met  Sometimes he wants you to sit and be filled, not just rush though. Just rushing thorough can prevent us from recording all…

Feeding the 5000

Mark 6:30-7:5 Feeding the 5,000 The disciples were tired and hungry Jesus invited his disciples to rest in a quiet place But the crowd saw them leaving and followed them. Jesus asked his disciples to do something impossible.  When they said that they could not do it, he asked them what they did have 12 baskets left over, 12 disciples  Still no time to rest Walking on the water Discussion about ceremonial washing of hands 7 aspects of Jesus; Which aspect…

Jesus visits his hometown

Mark 6:1-29 1. Jesus visits his hometownThe people in his hometown were amazed at Jesus’ teaching in the synagogueHow did a Jesus present himself while he was growing up?Jesus was unable to perform many miracles in due to the unbelief This applies to us too – sometimes we have great faith, other times our faith is lackingNever stop believing who Jesus is, and what He can do for you. 2. Jesus sends out his disciples on a missionHospitality was important…

4 demonstrations of Jesus’ power

Mark 4:35-5:43 What do they all have in common? Quieting the stormUnusually strong stormWho better than Jesus to be with when you’re in a storm?Jesus said to cross over, so the storm had no authority to stop themYou can stand on God’s promises. If you are following Jesus’s purpose for your life, he will protect you The demon possessed personWorshipped JesusJesus delivered the man2000 pigs jumped off the cliff 3 RequestsJesus granted the demons request to enter the pigsJesus granted…