Sermons on Jesus
Saul joins the Church
Acts 9:23-43 The Jews were plotting to kill Paul, but he discovered their plot, and escaped the city by being let down in a basket out a window. When Saul returned to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they didn’t believe him. Barnabas presented Saul to the apostles, who investigated. Saul then started preaching in Jerusalem, but the Hellenistic Jews tried to hill him. so he escaped to Tarsus. Then the churches throughout the area had peace. Peter…
Christmas 2024 – The Magi
Important notice:There are so many different theories about this topic, from so many well-respected Bible scholars. Today I’m just going to share with you something very interesting that I discovered. Please do your own research, and, as you do, ask God to reveal the truth to you. One evening, as Mary, Joseph and Jesus were going about their evening activity, they suddenly received unexpected visitors – Wise Men from the East. Who are they? Does the Bible give any clues?…
Christmas 2024 – The Shepherds
Caesar Augustus, in order to help unify the Roman Empire, took religious titles upon himself to try and elevate himself to deity. He decreed that the everyone in the Roman world should return to their ancestral homes to be registered in a census. This compelled Mary and Joseph to travel to Bethlehem, at exactly the right time for Jesus to be born in Bethlehem, as was required by prophecy. Caesar was trying to elevate himself to divinity, Jesus lowered himself…
Stephen’s Defence
Acts 7:20-38 Context At Pentecost a Peter preached his first sermon, and 3000 people joined the disciples- the birth of the church. Then God healed a lame man through Peter and John, and more people joined the church. Then a great multitude came for healing and the church continued growing. The apostles were put into prison and beaten. One of those imprisoned was Stephen. Nobody could argue with his wisdom, so the high council pressed false charges against him. Stephen…
The Second Sermon
Acts 3:11-26 The lame man, having been healed through faith in the name of Jesus Christ was free at last. Are we crippled in our life trough fear, remorse, sin, anger?We too can be freed through Jesus. The people in the crowd were staring at Peter and John in amazement at this miraculous healing. Peter explained that Jesus, whom they had crucified, had healed the lame mam The crowd knew about Jesus, but didn’t know Him personally. Peter took this…
Healing the Lame Man
Acts 3:1-10 Peter and John meet a lame man as they were on the way to the temple. The lame man sat at the temple every day begging. He asked Peter and John for some coins “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you” “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” The lame man had the faith to leap up. They went into the temple to the amazement…
Baptism by the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:1-11 The Book of Acts The Acts of the Holy Spirit, more-so than the Acts of the ApostlesSequel to the book of LukeLuke – What Jesus did during His missionActs – What Jesus did through the apostles by the Holy Spirit. Relates the start of the early Church. What can we learn to apply to us today? The disciples were commanded to stay in Jerusalem to wait for the baptism Holy Spirit. Why does Jesus want the disciples to…
The 1000 Year Reign
Revelation 20 A single angel locks the devil in the bottomless pit for 1000 years The devil is merely a bad angel, insignificant and powerless compared to the greatness of God Jesus Christ will reign on the Earth for 1000 yearsHis followers will reign with Him. Israel’s land will be restored after the tribulation The Earth will be perfect, just as God intended during Creation. 2 Resurrections: First resurrection – for the followers of Jesus – Eternal lifeSecond resurrection –…
The Second Coming
Revelation 19 The Hebrew word Hallelujah only occurs 4 times in the New Testament – all in Revelation 19 Verses 1-4 look back to the judgement of God against Babylon Verses 6-9 look forward to the marriage supper of the Lamb with His pure bride. Contrasting true Christianity vs false religion Are we living as God’s handiwork? Are we walking in step with the Holy Spirit? The Second Coming of Jesus Christ Arrives on a white horse, with many crowns.…
The Heaven Scene
Revelation 4 & 5 Beginning of the Things Yet to Come The rainbow around the throne signifies God’s grace – the reminder of His promise that He will never flood the earth again The thunder and lightning signifies God’s judgement. The writing on the backing the scroll signifies the conditions of redemption of a title deed.The scroll is the title deed to mankind, that Adam gave to the devil I’m the Garden of Eden.John wept because nobody could redeem mankind.But…