Sermons on Judas
Mark 14:1-31 Jesus’ anointing at Bethany Mary of Bethany was one of Jesus’ friends, and always at His feet. Mary, Martha and Lazarus loved Jesus for who He was, not the miracles He performed. She brings very expensive oil to anoint Jesus for burial. She wanted to bless Jesus as an act of worship, without any expectations. At this moment Judas decides to betray Jesus. The Last Supper Jesus was the host of this very special meal for Him Jesus establishes…
Why do you talk to Jesus?
Mark 3:7-35 Choosing the 12 disciples Jesus continues his ministry – to make people right. Jesus preaches to the multitudes – a large crowd. Choosing and commissioning the 12 disciples. Discussion about casting out demons Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit Why do you talk to Jesus – because you need something, or because you are in a relationship with Him? If you are facing any big decisions, spend time talking to God and let him help you with the answer…