Sermons on Phillip
Phillip and the Eunich
Acts 8:26-40 In the middle of great revival in Samaria, Phillip was told by an angel to go to the desert. There he meets an official from Ethiopia reading the book of Isaiah. The angel told Phillip to catch up to the chariot.The official invited Phillip into the chariot to explain what he was reading. Phillip taught the official about Jesus, starting at that verse. The official believed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and was baptised Phillip…
Acts 8:1-25 Saul approved of Stephen’s murder Persecution had been increasing, and now became intense The disciples scattered throughout Judah and Samaria, spreading the gospel Phillip was preaching about Jesus and performing signs and wonders And the city was full of joy. Simon was famous in the city due to his sorcery. Simon became a believer. Peter and John came and prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit. Simon wanted to buy the ability to fill pray for people…