Sermons on Stephen

Sermons on Stephen

The First Martyr

Acts 7:38-60 This week we continue the history lesson as the story turns sour, when God’s special people reject Him. Stephen is standing before the high council accused of blaspheming God, Moses, and the Temple The Israelites were complaining about God’s provision. While God was writing the 10 commandment on the stone tablets with His own finger, His special people were at the bottom of the mountain breaking them. Stephen turns the spotlight from the wickedness of the Israelites and…

Stephen’s Defence

Acts 7:20-38 Context At Pentecost a Peter preached his first sermon, and 3000 people joined the disciples- the birth of the church. Then God healed a lame man through Peter and John, and more people joined the church. Then a great multitude came for healing and the church continued growing. The apostles were put into prison and beaten. One of those imprisoned was Stephen. Nobody could argue with his wisdom, so the high council pressed false charges against him. Stephen…

Stephen’s Trial – Abraham to Joseph

Acts 7:1-20 Stephen is standing in front of the Sanhedrin, accused of blasphemy against the law of Moses, and against the Temple. The high council was not happy with Stephens preaching, so they hired scoundrels to present false testimony against Stephen. Stephen’s response is based on Israel’s history, highlighting an interesting pattern – the first time God sends a saviour to Israel, Israel rejects them. But the second time they accept: Joseph, Moses, and ultimately Jesus. God called Abraham to…

Wisdom and the Spirit of God

Acts 6:1-15 The church continued to grow, and disputes arose between the Jewish and Greek believers The apostles needed to focus on teaching rather than dealing with matters of this sort. They were dedicated to prayer and ministry of the Word. The apostles got the church involved in resolving this issue. 7 men from the Greek believers were chosen to manage the food distribution. The first non- apostolic ministry of the church was feeding the widows One of these men…