Sermons on The Passion

Sermons on The Passion

Jesus Is Alive!

Christ is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed! We have gone on an exciting, action-packed journey with Jesus and His disciples. This week we have the most epic, wonderful climax…  Since God rescued His people from Egypt, the Jews had been, celebrate the Passover every year which was an annual prophecy looking forward to the sacrifice of Jesus as our sacrificial lamb. Mary Magdaline, Mary the Mother of James and Salome These three ladies got up very early in the morning,…

Jesus’ crucifixion

Mark 15:22-47 The soldiers gambled for His clothes, as was prophesied.Two criminals were crucified with Jesus – one on His right and one on this leftThe crowds mocked Him. The religious leaders mocked Him. The criminals crucified with Him mocked him.Jesus cries out, and died.The veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom- like a sheet of paper that has been dealt with and is no longer needed.Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for Jesus’ body Lessons for us…

Jesus Before Pilate

The trial of Jesus happened early in the morning, after a long, harrowing night Before the Last Supper, Passover was prophetic. After the Last Supper, Communion is a symbolic remembrance. But during the Last Supper it was real – He was about to be sacrificed for us. The Sanhedrin didn’t want to enter Pilate’s residence to remain pure, despite their lies and false charges. Pilate wanted to get out of the trial. He sent Jesus to Herod Then he tried…

In the Garden of Gethsemane

Mark 14:32-72 Jesus and his disciples go to the garden of Gethsemane to pray Jesus is exceedingly sorrowful and distressed The disciples can’t help falling asleep There is something about prayer that protects you The arrest and trial of Jesus Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss Peter followed at a distance We should follow Jesus closely, not at a distance Peter was warming himself with the enemy Jesus deleted that He is the Messiah  Fake trial at the High Priest’s…


Mark 14:1-31 Jesus’ anointing at Bethany Mary of Bethany was one of Jesus’ friends, and always at His feet.  Mary, Martha and Lazarus loved Jesus for who He was, not the miracles He performed. She brings very expensive oil to anoint Jesus for burial. She wanted to bless Jesus as an act of worship, without any expectations. At this moment Judas decides to betray Jesus. The Last Supper Jesus was the host of this very special meal for Him Jesus establishes…