Sermons on Trusting God
Disobedient Disciples and a Wise Pharisee
Acts 5:17-42 This is the second time Peter and John are arrested within a few weeks. They were put in prison to get them out of the way, but at night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out. If God has a job for you to do, and you are walking in it, He can do anything to overcome obstacles that would prevent you from accomplishing your job. The witness of the apostles was…
Acts 4:23-37 When the disciples were released they sought fellowship, rather than isolation The disciples prayed from Psalm 2, acknowledging who God is, and that He is control of every situation. They prayed: 1. Look at the threats This was a very mature way to pray, having faith in God to resolve the matter I. The best way. 2. Boldness for witnessing. 1. Signs and wonders Opportunities to witness The place in which they were meeting was shaken,and everyone there…
We Cannot But Speak
Acts 4:1-22 The Sadducees were the Jewish political leaders, and didn’t want any changes to their world view or political structure. Instead of marvelling at the miracle and trying to find out more, they want to squash the Apostle’s witnessing Peter and John were put into prison overnight The next day, the entire ruling council gathered to investigate.Peter again uses this opportunity to witness for Jesus, accusing them of killing Jesus and declaring that God raised Him from the dead.…
Healing the Lame Man
Acts 3:1-10 Peter and John meet a lame man as they were on the way to the temple. The lame man sat at the temple every day begging. He asked Peter and John for some coins “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you” “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” The lame man had the faith to leap up. They went into the temple to the amazement…
Selecting Judas’s Replacement
Acts 1:12-26 Acts: The acts of the Holy Spirit, rather than of the apostlesIt is the sequel to the book of Luke The disciples began by obeying Jesus’s commands – a good start!The Church must obey the Lord. Jesus’s brothers became disciples during the 40 days since Jesus’s resurrection.The disciples were in constant prayer. The early church started with 120 people. The apostles believed that the word of God was inspired by God and inerrant.The Bible’s promises are true. Peter…
Baptism by the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:1-11 The Book of Acts The Acts of the Holy Spirit, more-so than the Acts of the ApostlesSequel to the book of LukeLuke – What Jesus did during His missionActs – What Jesus did through the apostles by the Holy Spirit. Relates the start of the early Church. What can we learn to apply to us today? The disciples were commanded to stay in Jerusalem to wait for the baptism Holy Spirit. Why does Jesus want the disciples to…
Sardis – The Dead Church
Sardis was the capital of the Lydian Empire, and very wealthy. Sardis was conquered by Alexander the Great in 334 BC, and 129 BC was given to the Romans by the last Greek king of the area. Sardis was very cosmopolitan, including with its religion. Under Roman rule it was a religious mixing pot, adopting the Roman pagan religion as well as others, including Judaism and Christianity.The Synagogue, which was supposed to be a holy place of worship to the…
Smyrna – The Persecuted Church
Revelation 2:8-11 Letter to the church of Smyrna The name Smyrna is related to Myrrh Represents the Church Age of the Prophetic Church, up till the time of Constantine. 110AD – 318AD Jesus´ presents His character of once being dead, and is now alive. This was encouraging for the church whose attendance was in decline because its members were being persecuted and killed. Commendation: Jesus knows their works, tribulation and poverty. What is true wealth? The people of the church of Smyrna…
Jesus Is Alive!
Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! We have gone on an exciting, action-packed journey with Jesus and His disciples. This week we have the most epic, wonderful climax… Since God rescued His people from Egypt, the Jews had been, celebrate the Passover every year which was an annual prophecy looking forward to the sacrifice of Jesus as our sacrificial lamb. Mary Magdaline, Mary the Mother of James and Salome These three ladies got up very early in the morning,…
4 demonstrations of Jesus’ power
Mark 4:35-5:43 What do they all have in common? Quieting the stormUnusually strong stormWho better than Jesus to be with when you’re in a storm?Jesus said to cross over, so the storm had no authority to stop themYou can stand on God’s promises. If you are following Jesus’s purpose for your life, he will protect you The demon possessed personWorshipped JesusJesus delivered the man2000 pigs jumped off the cliff 3 RequestsJesus granted the demons request to enter the pigsJesus granted…