Sermons from May 2024
Laodicea – The Lukewarm Church
Laodicea was a very wealthy fashion, banking and medical center The church belonging to the people, rather than Jesus Vulnerable to attack, and always allied to whichever power was stronger. Jesus has nothing good to say about the coach of Laodicea Representative of the Apostate Church age Exhortation: Jesus encourages them to go through trials to strengthen their faith and strive for righteousness Jesus warns them to be zealous and repent Jesus is not in the church of Laodicea –…
Philadelphia – The Faithful Church
Rev 3:7-13 The Church of Philadelphia The Missionary church. The Philadelphia church has a commendation but no reproof Set up to spread culture to Lydia and Phrygia – cultural missionaries were sent out from there Built in an geologically unstable area, near a volcano with frequent earthquakes Philadelphia means ”brotherly love”, named by King Attallus II They were the faithful church. They kept Jesus’s word in the face of opposition. Jesus introduces himself as the Messiah – with authority to…
Sardis – The Dead Church
Sardis was the capital of the Lydian Empire, and very wealthy. Sardis was conquered by Alexander the Great in 334 BC, and 129 BC was given to the Romans by the last Greek king of the area. Sardis was very cosmopolitan, including with its religion. Under Roman rule it was a religious mixing pot, adopting the Roman pagan religion as well as others, including Judaism and Christianity.The Synagogue, which was supposed to be a holy place of worship to the…
Thyatira – The Corrupt Church
Revelation 2:18-29 Chapter 1:19 is the outline of Revelation. Chapters 4-5 and 6-19 happen at the same time. Thyatira represents the dark ages church of 590 A.D. to 1517 A.D. Thyatira means “Continual Sacrifice” Jesus’ characteristics: Jesus mentions two: Son of God, and eyes of fire & feet of brass. Jesus is coming with judgement Commendation: Jesus is happy with their works, faith and love for Jesus Correction: Idol worship and sexual immorality. Exhortation: To those not following the system…