4 demonstrations of Jesus’ power

4 demonstrations of Jesus’ power

Mark 4:35-5:43

  • Quietening the storm
  • The demon possessed person
  • The women with the blood issue
  • Jairus’s daughter

What do they all have in common?

Quieting the storm
Unusually strong storm
Who better than Jesus to be with when you’re in a storm?
Jesus said to cross over, so the storm had no authority to stop them
You can stand on God’s promises. If you are following Jesus’s purpose for your life, he will protect you

The demon possessed person
Worshipped Jesus
Jesus delivered the man
2000 pigs jumped off the cliff

3 Requests
Jesus granted the demons request to enter the pigs
Jesus granted the people’s request to leave the area
Jesus denies the man’s request to follow Jesus.
But He commissioned the man probably to be his first missionary – telling about what Jesus had done for him
We have no excuse for not telling people about what Jesus has done for us. We all have our testimony of what God has done in our lives.

The women with the blood issue
Unclean and separated from society for 12 years
Jesus calls her daughter
When we are adding our worries about something, Jesus gives us can peace.

Jesus shows us his power in 4 ways
Power over nature
Power over the demonic world
Power over sickness
Power over death

One thing in common in each of these demonstrations: He spoke words.
Jesus’ words calmed the storm
Jesus’ words cast out the demon
Jesus’ words make the woman well
Jesus’ words rose the girl back to live

We can find help and deliverance in Jesus’ word – we need the power and promises found in the Word of God in every situation in our lives.
Don’t have fear, believe in the promises of His word.
