Approaching Jesus

Approaching Jesus

Mark 7:14-37

Accusing Pharisees

The Pharisees approached Jesus with an accusing question, and instead of answering, he called out their hypocrisy

Discussion about purity and impurity

Jesus and the gentile woman

The gentile woman approached Jesus humbly, willing to accept whatever Jesus was willing to offer her, with a simplicity of faith

She received what she was seeking from Jesus

Because of her faith her daughter was made well

Jesus and the deaf and mute man

The people wanted Jesus to lay his hands on the man, but Jesus did it a different way.

How do you approach Jesus?

  • Do you approach him with your preconditions?
  • Do you seek him by trying to fit him into your expectations?
  • Do we try to impose on him our ways of thinking?
  • Do you approach him humbly, from a place of faith?