Important notice:
There are so many different theories about this topic, from so many well-respected Bible scholars. Today I’m just going to share with you something very interesting that I discovered. Please do your own research, and, as you do, ask God to reveal the truth to you.
One evening, as Mary, Joseph and Jesus were going about their evening activity, they suddenly received unexpected visitors – Wise Men from the East.
Who are they? Does the Bible give any clues?
Psalm 72 and Isaiah 60 prophesy that kings from the Sheba and Seba will bring gold and frankincense to worship the Eternal King.
Where is Sheba?
Where do the gifts come from?
Why did wise men from a country far away travel so far to come and worship the new King of the Jews?
This is not the first time that the aristocracy from Sheba made an expedition to meet Jewish royalty?
Maybe the Queen of Sheba brought Judaism home to her her kingdom.
The Jewish Yemenis have a bunch of different legends about their history, including:
- The Queen of Sheba introduced Judaism on her return from King Solomon
- Judaism spread to Yemen during King Solomon’s gold expeditions to Ophir
- A group of Jews moved to the Yemen city of Sanaa 42 years before the first Temple was destroyed
- 75,000 Jews travelled to Yemen during the time of the prophet Jeremiah.
More than one of these could have taken place.
Around 375 AD, Judaism had become the official religion of the area of Yemen and Oman.
Could it be that there was a community of devout Jews in the Kingdom of Sheba,
Searching the prophecies, eagerly awaiting the Messiah, and the new star convinced them that He had arrived.
King Herod lied to the wise men, telling them that he wanted to worship the new King, but he wanted to kill Him.
There are lots and lots of theories about the Star of Bethlehem
Since the time of Daniel in the Babylonian empire, the Jews had a prophecy describing when the Messiah would arrive.
Could it be that a group of ancient Jews, having come out of Babylon and being skilled in the astronomy of the time, were looking to the heavens for signs?
On the 17 of April 6 BC:
- Jupiter and Saturn, the King stars, both rose together just before the Sun
- While the moon was eclipsing Jupiter
- Together with all of the other plants known at the time.
An occurrence that happens only once every 3000 years.
The extremely rare, once in 3000 year confluence of planetary alignments, signifying the birth of a great King, happens to be in the constellation that represents Israel. At the exact time Daniel prophesied that the Messiah would arrive.
The Gifts
Gold – Jesus Christ is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, our Eternal King.
Frankincense – Jesus Christ is The Great High Priest, interceding with God for us.
Myrrh – Jesus Christ died for you, to forgive you from all of your sins and everything you have ever done wrong.
As we celebrate this Christmas, welcoming Jesus’ birth into the world, to save it,
Now is the perfect time to welcome Jesus into your life to save you.