Mark 6:30-7:5
Feeding the 5,000
The disciples were tired and hungry
Jesus invited his disciples to rest in a quiet place
But the crowd saw them leaving and followed them.
Jesus asked his disciples to do something impossible. When they said that they could not do it, he asked them what they did have
12 baskets left over, 12 disciples
Still no time to rest
Walking on the water
Discussion about ceremonial washing of hands
7 aspects of Jesus;
- Tender Jesus – inviting his disciples to rest
- Compassionate Jesus – seeing the people without a shepherd
- Leader Jesus – teaching his disciples to meet the needs of the people
- Provider Jesus – making sure everyone was fed
- Fun Jesus – enjoying having fun with his disciples
- Calm Jesus – calming the storm
- Powerful Jesus – having the power to make things right
Which aspect of Jesus do you need in your life now?