Mark 14:32-72
Jesus and his disciples go to the garden of Gethsemane to pray
Jesus is exceedingly sorrowful and distressed
The disciples can’t help falling asleep
There is something about prayer that protects you
The arrest and trial of Jesus
Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss
Peter followed at a distance
We should follow Jesus closely, not at a distance
Peter was warming himself with the enemy
Jesus deleted that He is the Messiah
Fake trial at the High Priest’s residence
Peter denies Jesus three times
Practical lessons for this week:
1. Our spirit is willing, but our flesh is weak. Feed your spirit more than your flesh:
2. Always be praying and talking to God
3. Keep reading the Word of God
4. Be in fellowship, at Church
5. Share your faith
1. Jesus is constantly interceding for us to the Father
2. How can you insert yourself in the story of salvation that Jesus brought?