Acts 11:1-18
News that Peter visited the Gentiles and ate with them travelled quickly to Jerusalem.
The apostles in Jerusalem accosted Peter, asking him for an explanation for his actions.
Peter explains what happened, including that the Holy Spirit fell om the Gentiles.
This is sometimes referred to as the Gentile Pentecost.
Peter finishes his argument strongly, saying “If God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could withstand God?”
Peter’s argument satisfied the apostles, and they glorified God that salvation is available for everyone.
God’s heart is for the world, and we are called to be a light to the world to share His love.
Peter was chosen by God to be the first to reach the Gentiles, because Peter was a highly trusted leader of the Apostles.
The Holy Spirit is on the move today, in Portugal. He is opening hearts, not just with the Portuguese people – People are coming to Portugal and encountering Jesus. And we get to be part of it!
Be open to whatever God wants to do in your life.
Peter told God “No” when God told him to eat the animals on the sheet, despite God being his Lord.
Sometimes we decide when we want to do what God wants us to do, when it’s convenient for us.
God is our Lord – we can’t say “No” to Him. He knows what He is asking us to do will be good for us.
How many blessings have we turned down because we didn’t do what God has asked us to do?
The Holy Spirit is working in your life, and sometimes does things that we don’t understand.
Any time the Holy Spirit does something, it is always good – even if we don’t understand.