Acts 10:1-23
Roman religion involves polytheism and emperor worship. But Cornelius rejected Roman religion and followed the one, true God.
God sent angel to tell Cornelius that his prayers and charity had come up to God for a memorial.
God sees everything you think and do.
The angel told Cornelius to send for Peter.
While Cornelius’ men were making their way to Peter, God gave Peter a vision.
Down from heaven came a sheet full unclean animals, and a voice told him to kill and eat.
Peter refused, saying that he had never eaten anything unclean.
The voice replied, telling him not to call anything unclean that God had cleansed.
Until now the gospel had been preached only to the Jews.
There is now no distinction between Jews and Gentiles.
Right at that moment, while Peter was wondering about the vision, the men from Cornelius arrived.
Peter follows the leading of the Holy Spirit, and receives the gentile visitors, entertains them and provides lodging.
If we open our hears to the leading of the Holy Spirit, we can do amazing things for God.