Phillip and the Eunich

Phillip and the Eunich

Acts 8:26-40

In the middle of great revival in Samaria, Phillip was told by an angel to go to the desert.

There he meets an official from Ethiopia reading the book of Isaiah.

The angel told Phillip to catch up to the chariot.
The official invited Phillip into the chariot to explain what he was reading.

Phillip taught the official about Jesus, starting at that verse.
The official believed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and was baptised

Phillip was transported by the Holy Sprit to Azotus.

The official had an encounter with Jesus.
We can encounter Jesus every day.
Spend time every day with God.

The official left Phillip rejoicing.
Everywhere that Christians go there should be rejoicing.


1. The official asked Phillip “what hinders me from being baptised”.
If you have not been baptised, what is hindering you?

2. Be like Phillip. Be open to being led by the Holy Spirit.
Be sensitive to God’s direction in your life Be open and ready to tell people about Jesus.
