Acts 1:12-26
Acts: The acts of the Holy Spirit, rather than of the apostles
It is the sequel to the book of Luke
The disciples began by obeying Jesus’s commands – a good start!
The Church must obey the Lord.
Jesus’s brothers became disciples during the 40 days since Jesus’s resurrection.
The disciples were in constant prayer.
The early church started with 120 people.
The apostles believed that the word of God was inspired by God and inerrant.
The Bible’s promises are true.
Peter addresses the disciples and uses the scriptures to say that Judas needed to be replaced.
The candidates had to be people who were following Jesus from His baptism to His resurrection.
The two candidates were Matthias and Joseph.
Casting lots selected Matthias.
This was the last event before Pentecost.
Things that early Church did, that we should emulate:
- They trusted and obeyed God’s word
- The need for the baptism of the Holy Spirit to have the power to be witnessed for Jesus
- Prayed together
- Believed that what God’s word says will happen
Don’t be disappointed when God closes a door of opportunity – He has something else specifically for you.