Stephen’s Trial – Abraham to Joseph

Stephen’s Trial – Abraham to Joseph

Acts 7:1-20

Stephen is standing in front of the Sanhedrin, accused of blasphemy against the law of Moses, and against the Temple.

The high council was not happy with Stephens preaching, so they hired scoundrels to present false testimony against Stephen.

Stephen’s response is based on Israel’s history, highlighting an interesting pattern – the first time God sends a saviour to Israel, Israel rejects them. But the second time they accept: Joseph, Moses, and ultimately Jesus.

God called Abraham to leave his home to go to a new land that he wouldn’t inherit, but his descendants will – even though he had no children, and was too old to have any.

But before that, his descendants would be treated badly in another land for 400 years.

Joseph’s brothers sold Joseph into slavery in Egypt, and unfairly thrown into prison.
But God was with him. God is with you, even if you may not be able to see it.

Joseph rose to greatness in Egypt, where he was able to prepare for the great famine, and so save the Israelites during the famine.

Why was it so long between the promise and receiving the gift?

God allowed the Caananites 400 years to repent, and allowed time for Israel to grow stronger.

The point that Steven wants to make: God is working in our lives.
We can accept what He is doing, or reject it.
We cannot always see or understanding what God is doing.

Accepting God’s plan will always lead to good results. Reject it leads to disaster.
Don’t fight against what God is doing in your life.

Even when we don’t see it, God is working in your life – trust Him.
