The Christmas Story, in Reverse

The Christmas Story, in Reverse

Revelation 21:4-6 – Our Happily ever after: We will live with Jesus in heaven for eternity

How did we get there?

Romans 10:8-10 – If you Confess Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that he was raised from the dead, we will be saved

How did we know it that?

Roman’s 10:15 – How will they know unless someone tells them?

What are we telling them?

Mark 16:6 – Jesus was raised from the dead!

1 Corinthians 15:14-16 – We have eternal life through Jesus’s death and resurrection

1 Corinthians 15:54-55 – Death no longer has power over us because Jesus conquered death.

John 19:30 – Jesus gave his life for us on the cross.

Galatians 3:13 – Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law by dieing for us on the Cross

2 Corinthians 5:21 – We are made righteous before God through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Mark 9:2 – Jesus’ transfiguration

Mark 1:9-11 – Jesus’ baptism

Matthew 2:1-12 – The wise men brought three gifts to Jesus to celebrate His birth:
Gold – signifying his kingship
Frankincense – a priestly spice signifying that he is our Great High Priest
Myrrh – used to account dead bodies, prophesying his death

Luke 2:7 – Jesus is born

John 1:1-4 – Jesus has always been, since before the world began

Philippians 2:5-11 – Jesus came to earth as a man, to outwork God’s great plan of salvation

The Christmas story doesn’t stop with the manger, with the wise men, with Jesus’s baptism, His ministry, His death or even His resurrection – it ends when we are standing before Jesus in eternity
