The Transfiguration

The Transfiguration

Transition period in Jesus’ ministry

  1. The Transfiguration
  2. After the transfiguration Jesus was resolutely focuses on the Cross

The Transfiguration

Peter – The leader of the Church
John – Wrote 5 books of the New Testament
James – Why was James invited?


Elijah and Moses came to meet with Jesus, both alive. The power of the Kingdom of Heaven defeats death.
Moses represents the law
Elijah represents the prophets

Jesus qualified for Heaven by living a perfect, sinless life

Healing of the demon possessed boy
Importance of faith
Sometimes when we go through trials God gives us the opportunity to grow our faith for the works He has for us.

“Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

Importance of seeking God in all we do, even in the gifts that He has given us.

Listen to Jesus and do as He says.
Importance of Faith
Importance of Prayer
